Frequently Asked Questions

What will the retreat cover?
Each retreat has a specific theme that you can find below:

  • Desiring God - Learn to pray in a deeper way with scripture
  • Discovering God's Voice - Learn St. Ignatius' Rules of Discernment
  • Discerning God's Will - Discover God’s unique mission for your life

I have never attended a silent retreat before, what can I expect?
There will be opportunities for silence, Mass, adoration, brief spiritual direction, and walking the beautiful campus. There will be brief presentations followed by silent time for reflection to use how you would like: walking around campus or the trails, praying in the chapel, or sitting outside. The presenter will provide scripture or a meditation to ponder during the periods of silence.

What should I bring?
Please do not bring outside reading as anything you need for prayer will be provided. However, a watch, a pen, and a water bottle, and a journal, if you keep one would be good.

Will there be Mass to meet our Sunday Obligation?
Yes. The retreat begins with Mass.

Do I have to attend all three retreats? What if I missed one already?
It is not required to attend all three retreats. It is highly encouraged because each retreat builds off the previous retreat. We offer the same retreats yearly so you may be able to join next year if you missed one this year.

How long are the retreats?
Each retreat begins at 9 A.M. and goes until 6 P.M.

Are all the retreats at the same place?
All sessions will be at St. Mary's Seminary, 9845 Memorial Dr, Houston, TX 77024.

Where will check in be at the Seminary?
You will check in from your car when you arrive in front of the Gallager building (first building you see). You will see someone there with the check in table.

Are meals provided?
Yes. A boxed lunch will be provided. Please let us know if you have any allergies we can accommodate.

What can I expect from spiritual direction on this retreat?
You will have an opportunity for a brief 30-minute appointment with a spiritual director. A spiritual director is trained to help you listen and respond to God. Since this is a one-time meeting, the retreat director will guide you on what to discuss based on that retreat.

How much does the retreat cost?
$30 registration fee per retreat. Cost covers lunch and retreat staff. 

Are scholarships available?
Yes. Please email if you have financial need. Monthly payment plans are also available during registration.

When does registration close?
Registration closes when spaces run out or three days before the retreat. If registration is closed and you would still like to attend, please email to see if there are any spaces remaining for a late admission.

Can I attend if I am dating someone?

Can I attend if I am engaged or married?
Unfortunately, this event is for those seeking their Vocation. Please ask your parish or the Family Life Ministry if you desire resources for discernment.

Would this be a retreat to help me find community?
While many retreats are focused on helping one build community, this retreat is focused on silent time with the Lord and does not offer small group discussion time or other activities that would lend themselves to building community. The Office of Young Adult and Campus Ministry has several events and retreats if you are looking for community with other young adults.