Date & Time
Saturday, October 26, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Pathways to Discipleship: A guide to making committed disciples in the parish
In the Great Commission, Jesus calls the Church to “make disciples” (Mt 28:19). All Christians are called to the life of discipleship, yet many are unsure what this means for them. Pathways to Discipleship is an innovative and systematic guide to living as a Catholic disciple of Jesus Christ. It helps Catholics encounter Christ in prayer, scripture, sacraments, and community, experience ongoing conversion, and practice the habits of discipleship in their ministries and everyday lives. Participants deepen their relationships with Christ, learn new practices of faith, and grow closer with one another. Adults of all ages and spiritual levels find this to be a path to discipleship that is clear and easy to follow.

Language Used
English only
Session Type
Location Name
Gonzaga 202A/B
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