Full Name
Charlie Balsam M.A., M.R.E.
Job Title
Program Consultant, Marriage Catechumenate
Office of Family Life
Speaker Bio
Charlie Balsam, M.A., M.R.E. Houston native, graduate of St. Michael’s, St. Thomas H.S, and Lamar University, with Masters from University of St. Thomas and University of Texas. Served 16 years as Director of Family Life Ministry, Diocese of Beaumont; 11 years Director of Adult & Family Ministry, St. Louis parish, ATX. Was founding Director, Jason’s Deli Leadership Institute (2006 -17); then Coordinator of Lifelong Learning &Adult Faith, Sts. Simon & Jude parish until July 2021. He authored two catechetical resources for Liguori Publications. He served a 3-year term as Lay Advisor to the USCCB; also, curriculum advisor for the Family Life Certification program at the Center for Faith at Culture (UST); he is consultant for our Archdiocese’ implementation of Pope Francis’ Marriage Catechumenate. Married 48 years to Beth, they have two adult children, Sarah (Nate) and Luke. They are parishioners at St. Anthony of Padua in the Woodlands.
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