Date & Time
Friday, October 25, 2024, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Spirit-Led Parenting: Practical Skills for Connection and Presence through the Holy Spirit

“Spirit-Led Parenting: Practical Skills for Connection and Presence through the Holy Spirit" is a workshop designed to help parents integrate the qualities of the spirit-led self with their parenting. This workshop explores the qualities of the Holy Spirit and combines evidence-based practices to equip parents with practical tools for becoming more present, compassionate, and grounded. By the end of the workshop, parents will leave with a plan to integrate these practices into their daily routines. This workshop is ideal for parents looking to strengthen their emotional connection with their children and cultivate mindful, supportive connections. The workshop also emphasizes extending these principles beyond the family, promoting compassionate, empathetic, Holy Spirit-Led interactions in all areas of life and community.

Michelle Miller
Language Used
English only
Session Type
Location Name
Gonzaga 220A
# Registrations